Topics: Tipo Appointment Booking

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General steps to start with services

Create a service

Enable “continue selling when out of stock”

Set up Free service

How to limit number of people who can book?

HubSpot integration

Add variables to email template

Set up admin email and cc to admin email

Set up email to employees

Set up email to customers

Integrate/uninstall the app to a theme

Set Time Availabilities

Manage employees

Limit the number of days clients can book an appointment in advance

Set up flexible (interleaved) time slots

Block off certain dates or times (unavailable dates)

Assign locations to service

Group appointments

Reschedule or cancel an appointment

Manage appointments

 Manual booking for a customer

Employee login

Add Quick Booking button to product list

Change admin email to receive notifications about appointments

Why is the booking form not showing?

General Settings

Customize style of booking form

Sync Tipo Calendar to Google Calendar

Hide the select dropdown of employee on booking form

Shopify Point of Sale Integration (POS)

Add Extra fields to booking form

Uninstall app

[Legacy guide]Add Sticky Online Booking button to front store

[Legacy guide]Translate Tipo Calendar on Online Store

[Legacy guide]General Settings

Show extra fields in Employee email

[Legacy guide]Add booking form to homepage

Notify customers about the appointment changes

[Legacy guide]Add booking form to a specific page

Configure SMTP

[Legacy Guide]Booking Form on PageFly

[Legacy guide]Change booking form position on product page