Manage employees

Estimated reading time: 1 min

1. Create a new employee

Steps to manage 

1. Open the app > click Employees > Click Add employee button

2. Upload avatar and input required employee information

3. Set up the employee’s Availability and Day Offs

4. In Location part, enter this employee to locations

5. In Service part, select the service(s) that this employee will serve

6. Click Save


 2. Set employee’s availability

Please view this guide to learn more


3. Copy Employee’s Availability

Steps to manage

1. Open the  app > click Employees > open the employee detail you want to edit

2. Scroll down to Availability > Click Copy availability > select an employee you want to copy this availability

3. Click Save


4. Add Location to Employee

Steps to manage

1. Open the  app > click Employees > open the employee detail you want to edit

2. In the Location field, enter the location detail

3. Click Save

More detail here


5. Assign services to employee

Steps to manage 

1. Open the  app > click Employees > open the employee detail you want to edit

2. In Service section, select service(s) that the employee will serve

3. Click Save


6. Duplicate Employee

Steps to manage 

 1. Open the  app > click Employees > open the employee detail you want to edit

2. Click on Duplicate, then a popup will show up > click Duplicate button to confirm the action

3. Close this employee detail > open the new duplicated employee > Edit employee detail

4. Save the new employee

 7. Hide employee on front store if service has only one employee

Steps to manage

1. Open the app > click Settings > General
2. In General setting > Employee & Location > enable option Hide employee on front store if service has only one employee

3. Click Save





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