Create Booking Product

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  • From the app admin, click “Products” > “Create Booking Product
  • Select a product to set up booking product, you will be navigate to the page below


Here you can set up product capacity and duration based on Product or Variant

  • Capacity: The maximum number of available slots that customers can book
  • Duration: The time period that a booking appointment takes place

Based on Product

Based on Variant

Available time

Based on Assigned employee

  • From Available time > Basis, you just need to select Assigned employee
  • Available time of this product will be automatically set according to the working hours of the employee who is responsible for this product

Based on product

  • From Available time > Basis, select Products
  • Start setting up available time

Set up available hours

1. Click on a random date on the calendar > “Edit Availability” dialog will show up

2. Add available time period

3. Apply to:

If select “Apply to multiple…”

  • Specific dates: Tick on “specific date” > select the dates you want > click Apply

  • Repeating days of the week: Tick on “repeating days of the week” > select the days of the week > click Apply

Set up days off

1. Click on a random date on the calendar > “Edit Availability” dialog will show up

2. Click “Unavailable

3. Apply to:

If select “Apply to multiple…”

  • Specific dates: Tick on “specific date” > select the dates you want > click Apply

  • Repeating days of the week: Tick on “repeating days of the week” > select the days of the week > click Apply

Copy availability of another product

Click “Copy Availability” > select product that you want to copy its available time

Calendar color

  • Set calendar color for this product

  • This calendar color will show in Calendar section:

Free Booking product

This feature allows passing over Checkout and Payment step of Shopify if your product is free

Just put a tick to enable this feature:

Booking description

Add a description to show in the booking widget to notice your customers

Here is how it works in the front end

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