Set up payment time for winner

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Time limit for the winner to process the payment

The admin can set up the remaining time since the auction end for the winner to pay for the auction item(s).

If the remaining time ends and the winner still doesn’t complete the payment, he will lose the auction. The draft order for the winner will be deleted automatically.

Steps to manage

 1. Open the app > go to Settings > General  > scroll down to Waterfall winner

 2. In the Time limit for the winner to process the payment field, enter the time amount by hours/minutes you want

3. Click Save

For example:

The admin enter 24 hours in the field. In the 24 hour since the auction ends, the winner must complete the checkout process to pay for the item(s) he won. If not, he/she will lose the auction.

Allowed to process payment when timeout

But there’s another case that the winner will not lose the auction even Time limit for the winner to process the payment endsIf you want to allow the winner(s) continue to pay for the auction items although the time limit is reached, please follow the following steps:

Steps to manage

  1.  Open the app > go to Settings > General  > scroll down toWaterfall winner
  2. Tick on Allowed to process payment when timeout checkbox
  3. Click Save

Need support?

If you cannot figure it out, don’t hesitate to contact us via email [email protected]. We are happy to help!

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