Export/Import auctions

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This feature allows you to export the current auction in the app from the current store and import it to another store.

Please note that Tipo Auction must be installed in both stores.

Export auction(s)

Steps to manage

 1. From the app admin page, click Auctions > Profiles

 2. Tick to auction you want to delete

 3. Click Export auction button > The auction will be immediately export to json file



Import auction(s)

Steps to manage

 1. From the app admin page, click Auctions > Profiles

 2. Click Import at the right corner > a popup will show up and let you add the auction JSON file  

3. After uploading the file, click Import button

Please note that only the json file exported from our app is allowed to be added here

Now you will see the new imported auction is added to the auction list

Need support?

If you cannot figure it out, don’t hesitate to contact us via email [email protected]. We are happy to help!

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