How Popcorn bidding works ?

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What is Popcorn Bidding?

Popcorn bidding, also called Dynamic bidding, is the way the host gives the bidders more time to rebid.  When a bid is placed in the time left period, an extra time period will be added which allows bidders to place more bids.

For example: 

– If a bid is placed during the last 5 minutes of the auction, the closing time will be automatically extended for an additional 5 minutes from the time the last bid was placed. 

– In the last 5 minutes, if there’s no bids anymore, the auction will stop. 

This is recommended for high value & popular items. Popcorn bidding prevents bidders from waiting until the last minute to bid without giving the bidders who was outbid an opportunity to rebid.

How to set up Popcorn bidding ?

  1. From the app admin, go to the auction profile you want to set up
  2. In Advance settings session, tick to the Popcorn bidding checkbox
  3. After that, 2 fields will appear>  Enter the time you want to set up the popcorn bidding


  • Active when time left is less than: If a bid is placed during the this last minutes of the auction, the closing time will be automatically extended
  • Update the time for bidding to: Additional time for every time a new bid is submitted the auction in last minutes

4. Click Save

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