How Automatic bid works ?

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What is automatic bid?

Automatic bid, also known as Proxy bidding

Automatic bid occurs when bidders have the option to set a maximum price that they would be willing to pay for an item and then allow the computer system to bid for them by the bid increment until someone places a higher bid than their maximum.

The bid increment is pre-set by the auction and is the amount that a proxy bid must increase by.

Once you set up automatic bidding, you can stay ahead of the competition for an item without needing to be on the online store.

How to set up Automatic bid in our app?

Steps to manage

 1. From app admin page, go to Auctions > Profiles > open the auction profile you want to set up.

 2. In Advance setting sessions, tick to Automatic bid checkbox

 3. Click Save

How the Automatic bid works on the front store?

  • What customers need to do: Enter the maximum amount he’d like to pay for the item and select Automatic bid button on the auction widget
  • We’ll bid in increments on his behalf to keep him in the lead but only up to his limit.
  • We’ll let him know via email if someone outbids him and he can decide if he want to increase his maximum limit.

Here is an email sent to bidder who places automatic bid: 

Need support?

If you cannot figure it out, don’t hesitate to contact us via email [email protected]. We are happy to help!

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