Auto-assign winner to next one if he/she does not pay

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When the winner of the auction is selected but he/she fails to pay up on time, the admin can allow the next winner to be auto selected. 

The conditions to become the next winner:

  • The bidder who have the second highest price when the auction ends.
  • In case the admin enable the Amount limit of price, the current price of the bidder needs must be bigger than the reserve price.
  • In case admin set the limit of “possible winners”, only certain number people who have highest price are considered as one of the winners. 

Steps to manage

 1. Open the app > go to Settings >General

 2.  In General tab, Scroll down to Waterfall winner >  tick on the checkbox Auto-assign winner to next one if he/she does not pay

 3. Tick on the checkbox Amount limit (based on the Reserve price of the auction) – optional  if you want the current price of next winner to be bigger than the Reserve price of the auction

 4. Enter the number of people who will be considered as next winner  

5. Click Save


Limit the number of people who can win

          For example:

If admin enter 3 in the field, 3 bidders who have high current bid right after the first winner will be considered to be assigned as the next winner. 

Need support?

If you cannot figure it out, don’t hesitate to contact us via email [email protected]. We are happy to help!

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