
Estimated reading time: 3 min

Add booking service

  1. From the app admin page, click Services > Add Service
  2. Select one service (product) from the product list
  3. Configure required sections including Capacity & Duration, Availability to set up your booking service
  4. Click Save 
  5. Check the booking form on the front store

Set up Capacity & Duration

  1. From the app admin page, go to Services > open the service you want to edit
  2. In Capacity & Duration part, enter number to the Capacity and Duration field
  3. Click Save

Alert: The service is related to the Shopify Product. You need to enable ‘Continue when out of stock’ for the product. Read more here!

Add Available time

This feature allows you to customize the available time for each booking service depending on employee(s).

  1. From the app admin page, click Services > open the service you want to edit 
  2. Scroll down to Availability, select the employee(s) in the EMPLOYEES ASSIGNED TO THIS EVENT field or create a new employee to assign to the service
  3.  Click on Edit Availability button in the employee name you want to adjust the time
  4.  Click on a date you want > set up available time period: FromTo…  (Note: Hours must be in 24-hour format, eg: 8:00, 13:00) > click Apply to > select  the dates you
  5. Click Add interval if you want to add more available time period
  6. Save


Add Unavailable time

  1. From the app back end, click Services > open the service you want to edit
  2. Scroll down to Availability, select the employee(s) in the EMPLOYEES ASSIGNED TO THIS EVENT field or create a new employee to assign to the service
  3.  Click on Edit Availability button in the employee name you want to adjust the time
  4.  Click on a date you want >  click the Unavailable button > Apply to > select the date(s) you want
  5. Save

Set the date to start opening a booking service

Preventing last minute events?: Use this setting to prevent last minute events.

For example: you can prevent same day booking (set 1 day) or Prevent events less than 6 hours away.

For example:

If you wanna to allow your customers to book your service from tomorrow, please follow steps below:

  1. From the app admin, click Services > open the service you want to edit
  2. Scroll to Advanced options part  > tick on checkbox Preventing last minute events?
  3. Enter the number of the days in the field below
  4. Click Save

Note: You can set the cut off time in days or hours

Limit the number of days that can be book in the future?

You can set up the maximum number of days in the future that customers can book.

  1. From the app admin page, click Services > open the service you want to edit
  2. Scroll down to Advanced option > tick on the checkbox Limit the number of days that can be book in the future?
  3. Enter the number of days in the field that shows up below the checkbox 
  4. Click Save

Set up Free service

Learn more

Add booking description

  1. From the app admin page, click Services > open the service you want to edit
  2. In the service config > scroll down to Description part on the right > enter text on the Description field to describe your service
  3. Click Save

Appointment color on Tipo calendar

Tip: Set up calendar color for each service for service classification on the app Calendar

  1. From the app admin page, click Services > open the service you want to edit
  2. Scroll down to the CALENDAR COLOR part, 
    select color for this service
  3. Click Save

Note: this colour display on the Tipo calendar in the app that helps you manage appointments easily 

Here is how it looks on the Tipo Calendar in the app.

Temporarily disable a booking service

  1. From the app admin page, click Services > open the service you want to edit
  2. In Service status part (below the service title) > click Disable button 
  3. Click Save

Need support?

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions. Please contact us at: [email protected]

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