Sync product price

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The app allows you sync products and product price from Source store to Destination store.

In case the currency of 2 stores (Source store and Destination store) are different, you can set up the price transforming rate.

Step to manage

New connection:

Before connecting, check and select the product information you want to sync here. 

1. Open the app in Destination store or in Source store > click Connect store button

2. Add the Connection code of the store you want to connect. Connect key is found in the app Settings.

For an running connection: Go to the Destinations store, open the app Dashboard > click on the source store URL to open the connect detail


2. Scroll down to Price mapping & transformations > set up the price and the Adjustment value  > click Save

For example:

Source store has currency of GBD

Destination store has currency of USD

1GBP = 1.2527036USD

=> The price from Source store is increased 25.27%  when it is synced to Destination store.



3.  Go to the app settings in Destination store > click Settings > Product Fields to Synchronize  > select Sync option for price



4. Click Save




If you do encounter any difficulty while proceeding these steps, don’t show any hesitation to contact us promptly via the email address [email protected].

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