Integrate/uninstall the app to a theme

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Integrate the app into a theme

This feature allows you to select a theme to install the app. You can apply the app to an unpublished theme to test the app and avoid having any effect on your live site.

Steps to manage 

  1. From the app admin page > click Settings > Theme
  2. Select a theme in the dropdown
  3. Click Go to theme Settings > App embeds button > it directs you to the theme editor
  4. In theme editor, enable the app embeds of Tipo Appointment Booking app > click Save 
  5. Go to the theme (front store) you integrate the app to check the result


  • Please make sure you check the right theme (the theme the app is integrate into)
  • If the app is integrated to an unpublished theme, please preview the theme to check the booking form.

Tutorial video 

Uninstall the app from a theme

You are integrating the app to a theme and you want to the app to no longer show on this theme. Please follow the steps below to uninstall the app from the theme.

  1. From the app admin page > click Settings > Theme
  2. Select a theme in the dropdown
  3. Click Go to theme Settings > App embeds button > it directs you to the theme editor
  4. In theme editor, disable the app embeds of Tipo Appointment Booking app > click Save 

Now the app doesn’t work on your theme.


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