Create a new auction

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Create a new auction

Steps to manage

 1. Open the app > click Auctions > Profiles > click Create a new auction button

2. Enter the auction information: name, start bid, bid increment

3. Set up the start time and end time of the auction


  • If the start time has not come, the auction is pending 
  • If the start time comes, the auction is running 

4. Select products for the auction. The auction widget will show up on product page and collection page.

5. Set up Advanced settings  (optional)

6. Click Save 

The auction widget will show up on the product page you selected. 

To make sure the app works on the site, please make sure the app embed is activated on the theme here

How does auction work on the site?

  • The auction widget shows on the product page (product you selected in the auction config)
  • Customers click Place bid button on the auction form to bid for the product.
  • When the end time comes, the auction widget will close. Learn more

Need support?

If you cannot figure it out, don’t hesitate to contact us via email [email protected]. We are happy to help!

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