How to limit number of people who can book?

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Currently the app allows set limit for number of people who can book a time slot by service Capacity.

Open the app > click Services > open a service > set the capacity > save

Capacity is the maximum number of slots at the same period of time.

For example:

  •  Capacity is set to 1.

If the time slot  at 10:00-11:00 AM, June 10th is booked, it will be greyed out in the calendar. No one can book that time slot.

In case there are 3 employees who are in charge of the same service, the total capacity of the service will be 3, in which, each employee is responsible for 1 slot.

  •  Capacity is set to 10

It means 10 people can attend an appointment at 10:00-11:00 AM, June 10th. 

If  4 people booked that time slot, 6 more people still can book it. 


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