Order sync

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Currently our app supports syncing orders from Destination store to Source store only.

Setting in Source store

1. In Source stores, open the app > click Settings

2.  In Share products part > Inventory and Orders > select Order Sync

3. Control how the order data display in Source store: select Payment status, edit Order name, The behaviours to use when updating inventory

4. Enable the option Receive email notifications if destination stores have orders that contain synchronized products (optional)

5. Click Save

How does Order Sync works?

Condition: the order in Destinations store contains one of the synced products.

  • When a new order is created in Destination store, the same order will be synced and imported to the Source store.
  • The app currently can sync customer and product information. Other information like payment, discount are still not synced.
  • The app only syncs orders when there is a new order. After the 1st sync, our app will not sync the order status or change event. For example, if you change the order status on Destination store, the change will not be reflected on the Source store.

Destination store: 

Order is created

Source store

A new order with the same information (customer, product) is created too.  Our app adds custom tag to the synced order that includes: order ID from Destination store,  app name (multi_store_sync), destination store URL (xxx.myshopify.com)

Email notification is sent to admin of Source store.


You can check the synced order in the app in both stores





If you do encounter any difficulty while proceeding these steps, don’t show any hesitation to contact us promptly via the email address [email protected].

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