If I deleted products from Source store, will it removed it destinations store too?

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This depends on the setting you configure in the connection detail.

Check the setting in the Destination store > open the connection detail here

The app lets you select one of the actions

  • Unpublish Recommended
    Unpublish the product when the parent product is removed from the parent sync
  • Unpublish if item has been ordered, otherwise delete it
    Unpublish the product and set the inventory to 0 if the product has been sold in the past to preserve order history, or delete the product if it has never been historically ordered
  • Delete
    Remove the product from your store when the product is removed from the parent sync
  • No action
    No action performed, leave the product how it is when the product is removed from the parent sync


Delete option is selected

If you delete the product from Source store, the products (with the same handle) will deleted from the Destination store automatically.




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