Sync Overview

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What is Source and Destination store?

  • The Source store is the Shopify store that contains the master product listings and controls the master inventory numbers. Typically, the source store should handle product creation and inventory management, and it also has the ability to transmit stock and product updates to a connected subscriber’s/ Destination store.
  • The Destination store(s) are Shopify stores intended to receive product updates and stock information from a Source store.

Please note that it is required to install the app on both Source and Destination stores.


What can our app do for your business?

 1. Sync Products

The ability to sync product listing and attributes from a Source store and have the changes applied to the original product reflect on the connected destination stores.

2. Real-time inventory sync

Sync inventory in real-time to all your connected stores. If a sale or refund is made in one store, updated inventory is pushed out to all your other stores immediately.

– Source Stores: Source stores contains the Parent Inventory. When there are changes to the Source store inventory, the Destination store will see the inventory number update reflected.

 – Destination Stores: A fully paid order on a Destination store will trigger an inventory update to both Source and Destination stores.

 3. Product attributes sync

Choose what to sync (title, or description, or everything) from the source store and have different prices in your destination store. You could specify price transformation so that the price in your destination store is, say, 10% higher than the source store.

 4. Collection sync, Blog sync, Page sync

This function allows sync the pages, collections and blog posts from the Source store to Destination stores.

It means all the changes you made to pages, collections and blog posts on Source store will be automatically reflected on the Destination store.

Need help?

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us via [email protected].


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